Career & Technical Ed (CTE)
Career and Technical Education (CTE) gives students the chance to gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts while learning technical skills. CTE programs are designed to meet a need in the local community or job market and are aligned with related programs at Nevada's public community and technical colleges.
Check out our NEW Career Guides that give anyone an overview to explore and become familiar with CTE opportunities in CCSD.
STUDENTS can explore dozens of career pathways available at their local public high schools. This guide can be a great conversation starter with parents and counselors as you pick your classes. Narrowing down interests is an important part of your career journey.
FAMILIES/PARENTS can explore viable opportunities for their children in Nevada by using the employment data provided within each career path and learn more about the curriculum offered in each pathway.
SCHOOL COUNSELORS AND TEACHERS can use the information within these pages to guide several conversations. Help your students prepare for their next steps with the information provided within this Career Guide through focused assignments.
We value all students and families within the Clark County School District and look forward to helping each of you prepare to be successful in any career.
Happy Career Exploring!
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