History & Traditions
History of Las Vegas High School
(compiled courtesy of the LVHS Alumni Association)
"Most people believe that the first school in Las Vegas was held in a tent in 1905. In reality, the first classes were held in the old Las Vegas Mormon Fort on September 21, 1856. There were never more than three upper-grade students since they were involved in the day-to-day farming activities. The first teacher was Elijah Fuller. He earned $3 a quarter. The school was abandoned in February, 1857 when the missionaries were called back to Salt Lake City.
Because funds originally set aside for a school were used to build a jail, a tent was set-up in the spring of 1904 under the cottonwoods near the Las Vegas Creek north of town for 17 primary and secondary students, and used for the 1904-1905 school year..."
To continue to read the full history of LVHS, please CLICK HERE.
The "Bone Game" - Football Vs. Rancho High School
History of Sir Herk (“The Bone”)
The oldest tradition in Nevada High School football is the rivalry between Rancho High School Rams and the Las Vegas High School Wildcats. The annual game is played for “Sir Herkimer’s Bone” also known as “Sir Herk.” The tradition began in 1957.
The “Bone” is actually a large cow bone proposed by the Rancho Letterman’s Club as the annual trophy for the Rancho-Las Vegas football game. The father of a Rancho player owned a butcher shop and several members of the Letterman’s Club went to the butcher shop, got the bone and boiled it in water for a full day. One end of the bone fell off during boiling, so they glued it back on and one of the guys painted it silver to hide the crack. Since then, it has been preserved in bronze. The first “Bone” game ended in a 13-13 tie. Each school agreed to keep “The Bone” for one semester; however, some Rancho students stole “The Bone” from Las Vegas during the semester they were supposed to keep it. Since then it has been agreed that the “Bone” trophy is kept by the winning school for one year.
The Wildcats have kept the "Bone Home" 24 straight years!
Overall Record
Wildcats 38 wins 25 losses 1 tie
Red "V" Game - Basketball Vs. Valley High School
In 2008, two basketball players came forward and wanted to start a tradition for the basketball program. Due to our ongoing competition with Valley High School and the fact that our current coach had come to us from Valley, they determined that we would begin a "RED V" game. Since 2009, this game has been held on the court of the team that currently has the "RED V" trophy.
Wildcats: 6 wins and 2 losses
LVHS Alma Mater
Nestling near the golden foothills,
‘Neath the western sky,
Rests the jewel of the desert,
Dear Las Vegas High.
Sing her praises ever louder,
Echoing back and back.
Hail to thee, dear Alma Mater,
Valiant Red and Black.
LVHS Fight Song
We’re all from Las Vegas and very proud to be,
We hope you will let us show you our loyalty.
So fight team, remember, we never will say die,
So fight team, remember, we’re from Vegas High.
Las Vegas Wildcats, ROAR!