Discipline Office
Las Vegas High School is a CLOSED CAMPUS! Students are not permitted to leave the facility unless they have permission from the administration. Students found off campus during normal school hours will be referred to the Dean's Office for disciplinary action.
Please see the Student Code of Conduct here for a complete guide to policies in CCSD. We broke down several important ones for you below. (Updated: July 2021)
Attendance PoliciesABSENCES
An absence will be recorded when a student is absent one or more periods in a day. For example, if a student has eight (8) total absences recorded, this indicates that on (8) different days the student was absent one or more periods. Also, if the student is more than thirty (30) minutes late for any class, the student will be recorded as absent. Absences not counted toward attendance enforcement and loss of credit:
The Nevada Revised Statutes and the Clark County School District Regulations provide corrective steps and/or sanctions to be taken or applied when a student does not attend school.
Excuses will be granted for the following reasons:
PREARRANGED ABSENCES A parent/guardian may request a prearranged absence for a maximum of ten (10) school days for any reason. The following are the procedures to obtain a prearranged absence:
Tardy sweeps will be randomly conducted. Any student caught in a tardy sweep without proper authorization will subject to discipline procedures through the deans’ office. COMMUNICATION TO PARENT OF STUDENTS ATTENDANCE RECORDS
Written notices of the attendance record will be sent to the parent/guardian or the student’s recorded residence. Automated attendance mailer cards will be generated from the CCSD office. These notices will be sent after the third, fifth, eighth, and tenth absences each semester. Additionally, Las Vegas High School has an automated phone system that will call the student’s recorded home phone when the student is absent for two or more periods during the school day. |