School Organizational Team
- Assist and advise development of the plan of operation (budget and school performance plan) each spring
- Provide continued assistance and advice to the principal in carrying out the plan of operation.
- Assist in the discussion of any additional authority to be transferred to schools to carry out responsibilities.
- Assist with the selection of the next principal when there is a vacancy.
Operation of Team Meetings:
- Meetings are public, but not subject to Nevada Open Meeting requirements
- Public can attend and there is public comment
- Select Chair and Vice Chair as first order of business at first meeting
- Quorum for voting is when a majority of voting members are present
- Team must meet at least once per month
- A notice must be posted at least three working days before each meeting.
Current Members:- Parents: Veronica Cerna, Shawna Demes, Megan Farnsworth, Rachel Mangum, Ashlee Merback
- Licensed Staff: Michele Bryk, Angelique Orengil, Stephanie Watman
- Support Staff: Erica Nungaray
- Student: Alberto Sanchez
- Community member:
- Principal: Raymond Ortiz
- Additional, non-voting attendees: Ryan Guzman, Marlo Limbeck, Jaime Marks, Mark Parantala, Kevin Purdy
SOT meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at Las Vegas High School from 1:45 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.